15 Dog Posts From This Week That'll Make Your Heart Go Thump Thump

    I have so many questions for Mayor Max!!!!!!!!

    1. This week, when a dad asked his son to put their new puppy to bed, he came back to THIS!!!!!!

    2. This ~goOO00ogly boye~ had himself a proper breakfast:

    3. A Shalissa incarnate was discovered:

    My 13yr old sister just asked me why my dog was dressed like shalissa, I asked her who’s that...

    4. The world was #blessed with this engagement photo:

    So my brother got engaged and I can’t stop laughing at this picture

    5. After attending all his hooman's classes, THIS DOGGO DID A GRADUATE!!!!!!

    6. This pupper asserted dominance over a hooman pupper:

    I’m just gonna leave this here...

    7. This V RARE cookies 'n' cream pupperino was spotted!!!!!!!!

    8. This smol corgo showed off his quite impressive ear diameter!!!!!!!

    This is Neville. He’s your copilot. Not the best with navigation but can honk the horn if you want. 12/10 would boop at red lights

    9. SHE ~ L I S T E N ~ :

    me after finally getting an ipod in 5th grade

    10. This doggo h*ckin' MULTIPLIED right before our very eyes!!!!!

    11. This Shibe did a holler from the passenger's side of his best fren's ride:

    12. This lil' fluffer did a graceful SPLAT:

    This is Basil. She has revolutionized lying down. Flawlessly executing booty first technology. 14/10

    13. Mayor Max here discussed his stance on the economy and the ethics of authoritatively peeing on the same spot as another doggo:

    14. This *~*SNOWY BOYE*~* did a v peaceful hibernate:

    15. And lastly, this bus stop boye did a kind comfort: