This Dog Took A Nice Day At The Lake From Zero To 100 REAL QUICK


    This is Holly, an 18-year-old from Arizona. Recently, Holly and her family brought their dog, a two-year-old golden retriever named Sam, to Lake Saguaro to go swimming.

    "He'd only gone swimming a few times and it was a larger body of water, so we brought along his doggie life jacket just to be safe," Holly told BuzzFeed. "My dad threw Sam's tennis ball into the water, which he went after...that is, until he spotted my sister, Ariana, and decided to swim over to her instead."

    Then THIS happened:

    "I don't know if he was trying to save her or save himself, but he put Ariana under for a good five seconds before my dad came to the rescue!" Holly said.

    And like any good sister would, Holly took photos...

    ...and now the photos have garnered over 500,000 LIKES on Twitter!!!!!!!!!

    But DON'T 👏 YOU 👏 FRET 👏 for this story has a happy ending: "We got him back onto our boat and gave him his ball, and all was good. Ariana is also perfectly fine; just a few scratches."

    Along with that happy ending, the interwebz have also *~blessed~* us with some VERY GOOD memes of Sam, aka The Golden Assassin™:

    In conclush: BEWARE THE GOLDEN BOYE!!!!!!!!!!!