17 Selfish People Who Made It Their Mission To Make Life Harder For Everyone Else

    *grits teeth while scrolling through post*

    1. Whoever's unforgivable parking job this is...and done in a car with no accessibility sticker, no less:

    A car taking up multiple handicap parking spots

    2. This person who found a very considerate way of utilizing a bike rack!

    A bike chained to a bike rack

    3. This coworker who was strongly opposed to being a good samaritan, apparently:

    An ice cube tray with only one cube left

    4. This plane passenger who, I can PROMISE you, also has their seat reclined:

    Someone's feet peeking out under an airplane seat

    5. And speaking of selfish passengers, how about this woman who flew while having COVID?!?!??!!?!!

    A woman on a plane texting someone that she has COVID

    Here's a close-up of her text:

    A woman texting someone that she has COVID

    6. Whoever left a disposable BBQ on a specially dedicated park bench:

    Stains on a bench


    A surcharge for a bill being under 10 euros

    8. This person who saw no problem with lounging away on the subway during rush hour 😌💅:

    A woman laying down on the subway seat

    9. This driveway blocker who succeeded in making everyone's night 10000000% harder:

    A car blocking the driveway

    10. This wretched Yelp reviewer/"influencer" who made a big ol' stink over $0.30:

    A person complaining that they weren't given food for not having enough money

    11. Or no, wait — maybe this customer was actually the worst...??????

    A person complaining about their service

    12. ✨Elizabeth✨:

    Someone's Starbucks drink on a grocery shelf

    13. Whoever left this shoe aisle looking like THIS:

    A disheveled aisle in a shoe store

    14. Whoever went around defiling these graves......just awful:

    Gravestones with spray paint on them

    15. The Phantom Pisser™:

    A note asking for people's help in identifying whoever is peeing in the sauna

    16. This "UTTER PRATT!!!":

    A car blocking a mail box

    And lastly:


    A ticket that called a driver a "self-absorbed asshole"