I'm Absolutely Perplexed By These House And Apartment Design Fails That Are So Bad, I Truly Cannot Express My Disgust In This Headline

    BRB, rinsing off in the "DIY shower"! ๐Ÿ˜Œ

    1. This house that possesses exactly zero redeeming qualities...no offense!!!

    2. This apartment that I would simply never be able to buzz into:

    3. This place with this so-called "security gate":

    4. This person's uncle's house:

    5. This shower that's actually somewhere out there looking the way it does:

    6. This house that experienced a lil' garage design mishap:

    7. This house with these "modern" stairs:

    8. These grandparents' home with this lush bathroom:

    9. Whatever house this โœจelectrocution-curiousโœจ shower is in:

    10. This house that......I don't even know, there are just no words:

    11. This apartment that, even if I wanted to, I'd probably be too paranoid to enter:

    12. Wherever this toilet is:

    13. This house with its poo poo-smeared sink area:

    14. These apartment building stairs that I simply would not make it down if I'd had a couple bevvies:

    15. This house's bathroom:

    16. This Zillow monstrosity:

    17. This house that has some minor design flaws:

    18. This place with a quite interesting bathroom layout!

    19. This window-happy spot:

    20. This apartment with its quaint lil' "balcony":

    21. And lastly, this home that opted for this shower for some reason unbeknownst to us:

    H/T r/CrappyDesign