21 Very, Very Goob Dog Posts From This Week

    Rainbow Dalmatians, The Snoot Challenge, AND merpuppers?!?!?! This week fed us well.

    1. These very rare rainbow Dalmatians said henlo!!!

    This is Pingo and Nina. They are believed to be the only remaining rainbow Dalmatians on the planet. Both 14/10 would be an honor to pet https://t.co/dkoOIqq0H3

    2. This senior pupper was adopted and is now off enjoying her "retirement"!!!

    3. This lil' pom pom transformed into a mystical merpupper!!!

    6. This household accommodation was made.

    My dad saw that viral video of the guy who cut holes in his fence for his nosey dog so he decided to test it out and the results did not disappoint https://t.co/MatcopjKmL


    My sister threw our dog a Frozen-themed birthday party (because he’s a snow dog. duh) His friends came and even had cake. Thought twitter might enjoy some snaps of his party. And yes, Ghost had a great time and thanks everybody who contributed to making his day special ❤️ https://t.co/RM6crSnLXC

    8. Lil' one watched his morning cartoons!!!!!!

    u/icant-chooseone / Via i.imgur.com

    9. NOODLES 😭 WENT 😭 BACK 😭 TO 😭 HIS 😭 FAVE 😭 PARK. 😭

    This is Noodles. He had brain surgery earlier this year, and today, he returned to his favorite park. 14/10 nothing stops Noodles https://t.co/kzqOR2cap8

    10. Kirk watched herself WIN!!!!!!!!!

    "Kirk, a female Border Collie, watching herself win the 2017 Purina Pro Challenge."

    11. Nikita sat in the flowers!!!!!!!!

    This is Nikita. She got caught in some wild flowers today. Didn't seem to mind. They make her happy. 13/10 would rescue when she's ready https://t.co/xazq5nsMyF


    Facebook: video.php

    14. The #SnootChallenge saw immediate success...

    We tried the #snootchallenge with a doughnut!!👌🍩

    15. ...and some ~lesser~ successes, but still successes nonetheless!!!!!!!!

    Thorin is what we like to call “unconventional” 😂 and we love him for that 12/10 for the the effort #snootchallenge #snoot @dog_rates https://t.co/hipQeBxZZ8

    16. This puggo did a transport.

    Facebook: video.php

    17. Emma here was crowned the World's Fastest Pug for the THIRD 👏 YEAR 👏 IN 👏 A 👏 ROW!!! 👏

    60 dogs competed for the title of Berlin's fastest pug on Saturday. Emma, the winner, finished in just under 6 seconds #tictocnews https://t.co/VUkkEbXty7

    18. Winnie did a snug. 💖💖💖

    19. *picking pupper petals* I love him, I love him not. I love him, I love him not. I LOVE HIMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    This is Atlas. The headband he ordered arrived today. Has no plans of ever taking it off so he hopes you like it. 14/10 would pet-al day long https://t.co/FGw08ayjmP

    20. Dogs In Food whipped up some tasty pug dumplings!!!

    21. And lastly, he PRANCEY DANCE INTO THE WEEKEND!!!!!!!!!!