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    22 Really, Really Good Things That Happened On The Internet This Week

    *cue resounding chorus of "aww"*

    A title card saying "Really good things that happened this week"

    1. This week, a landlord used their power for good instead of evil:

    Photo of a dog sitting on a special staircase built by the owner's landlord so the dog could go in and out of a window

    2. This person baked the CUTEST cupcakes MAYBE EVER!!!!!!!!

    mushy cupcakes for the girlies tn!!

    Twitter: @sleepytori_

    3. Someone made this sign and put it out for all to see 💖:

    A sign on a public road that says "I love you, if people can hate for no reason, I can love"

    4. This guy proved to be The Ultimate Romantic™!!!!!!!

    5. This lady rocked an Ariel-inspired look:

    Twitter: @bratzsweetheart

    6. Thick pup thought he was the epitome of ✨stealth✨ stealing these chips!!!

    7. This person finally cleaned their room after coming out of a slump! 💕

    Someone saying they "showed depression who's boss" with pictures before and after cleaning their previously very messy room

    8. This person's religious grandma loved her new gift!!!!!!!!!!

    An embroidered circular sign that features Jesus with a halo saying "I saw that"

    9. This cat supervised some prime rib:

    A person uses the top of a terrarium to guard their prime rib as it thaws, and a cute cat that wants to eat it hovers nearby

    10. This family received a heartfelt letter from the recipient of their uncle's organ:

    11. This neighborhood cat returned for some pats!!!!!!!!

    A cat pokes his head up into a window and stares right at the camera, with a caption that says the cat comes by every day to get pets

    12. T-Pain became a restaurant owner!!!!!!!

    I DID IT BOIS!!!! Im officially a restaurant owner. Got my keys today and I’m scared as shit. BUT! I can no longer ignore the paths God has set for me just because I don’t understand or I’m scared. (1/4)

    Twitter: @TPAIN

    13. This kitters gatekept his human's AirPods:

    Twitter: @robertoupdates

    14. This daughter "honored her family name" 😌:

    I just asked my 15 year old daughter what she even does to help around the house and she said, “I represent the family. I’m at school everyday honoring the family name.” 😂

    Twitter: @ShimonDCohen

    15. This cat cuddled a shoe:

    A cat hugs a shoe and lays their entire body across it, so much so that the shoe is barely visible

    16. This little girl surprised her waitress with a precious gift!!!!!

    17. Luna here basked in some translucency:

    A post captioned "Luna thinks she's hiding" that shows a cat hiding behind fully transparent curtains

    18. This Dachshund was ZONKED 👏 OUT 👏 after a trip to the park!!!

    A dog splayed across the passenger seat of a car, fast asleep

    19. This cashier congratulated this student with a sweet lil' gift!!!

    At Trader Joe's, a customer shared that they just took their last ever final exam, and the cashier gave them a free bouquet of flowers as congratulations

    20. This ol' man turned a whopping 24!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    An old cat having a birthday party complete with their favorite treats

    21. These two enjoyed some snugz:

    22. And lastly, this dog showed their humans that they're still with them...even if they're watching from up above! 🥺💕

    A woman spreading her dog's ashes, and while in the air, the ashes seem to take the shape of a dog