40 Genius Things That Are Already Living In The Year Of Our Lord, 3022

    *warms queso on a candle burner*

    1. This McDonald's that's giving the doors in Monsters, Inc.:

    2. This bar that has made it their 🚨UTMOST PRIORITY🚨 that your drink stays cold:

    3. This movie theater that lets you know ahead of time which movies have end credit scenes:

    4. This hotel room that has its priorities straight 😌:

    5. This stealthy hoodie-headphone hybrid:

    6. Aah, yes: the Mustard Gun™:

    Mustard gun. That's it, that's the tweet.

    Twitter: @AhmadQMZ

    7. These pasta straws that put hideous lil' paper straws to shame...SHAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    8. This chain in Finland that found a way to make sure no crust goes to waste:

    9. This Braille railing that describes the view to the Blind:

    10. This Filipino chain that LITERALLY flags their spicy chicken for you:

    11. This Swedish fast food chain that hides a lil' Easter egg on their cups:

    12. This Norwegian Burger King that FINALLY made a designated spot for you to empty your drink before throwing it out!!!!!!!!!

    13. This candle warmer/queso warmer, depending on the day:

    Candle warmer? Nah son, queso warmer

    Twitter: @ballofcrust

    14. This A&W that has an easily accessible hand-washing station:

    15. This kid-inclusive shopping cart, which we love to see!

    16. This amazing quarantine care package from the Japanese government.....??!?!??!!

    17. This McDonald's that's inside an old airplane?!??!?!?!?!!

    18. This Iceland hotel that lets you opt in for a lil' wake up call if the northern lights are out!!!!!!

    19. This place that said, "Fuck it! Wireless chargers in the tables!!!":

    20. This glorious "A bit more" toaster button:

    21. This "traffic playground" for the youths!

    22. This place that prioritizes decent breath and dental hygiene:

    23. This thingamajig that lets you and your friends all listen to music at the same time!!!

    Twitter: @spanglebaby_

    24. This fast food place's soda machine that must've taken a note from printers and opted for cartridges:

    25. These Bicycle Roofs™ to keep your seat from getting rained on:

    26. This Subway that gives subs and small drinks to the unhoused free of charge:

    27. This spiral staircase that really keeps ya guessing!!!

    28. This Finnish fast food chain that uses biodegradable boxes and recycled paper bags over less eco-friendly options:

    29. This cute lil' banana hack!!!

    30. This McDonald's in Hong Kong that's just straight-up from the future:

    31. This kitchen with a literal anti-splash ✨force field✨:

    32. This Japanese fast food place that gives seemingly endless payment options:

    33. This small, but more sustainable bread tie:

    34. This place that rid itself of the evil that is straws:

    35. This egg vending machine??????

    36. These subway handles that are clearly pro-cleanliness!

    37. This maintenance guy's shirt!!!

    38. These moving boxes that come with tea to help you relax amongst the utter HAVOC of moving:

    39. This plastic wrap that's WAAAAAY ahead of you:

    40. And lastly, this somewhat dystopian drone delivery service...???!!?!?!?!!

    We are in 2020 and these people are living in 3020.

    Twitter: @vichupedia

    H/T r/mildlyinteresting, r/interestingasfuck, and r/DesignPorn