17 Hardworking Dogs Who Are Just Trying To Make An Honest Living

    *steals your food off the table and then steals your job*

    1. This very accomplished video game developer:

    2. This sergeant woofer who eagerly participated in Take Your Dog To Work Day:

    3. This chonker who sniffs out diseased beehives for ~SCIENCE~:

    4. Biscuit, National Trust's official Staff Morale Officer™:

    5. This FLOOFY BOYE who sells less floofy, but equally sweet SPIKEY BOYES!!!!!!!

    6. This firefighter bb who just wants to give back to those who saved him!!!!!!!!!!

    7. This sleuthy boye who's ~on the case~:

    An elaborate apparent bank heist has been foiled when a repair crew tending to a sinkhole discovered it was actually an underground tunnel leading to a Chase bank branch in Florida, the FBI says. https://t.co/FmugYwncya

    8. This airport doggo who faithfully shoos birds from the runway:

    9. This Puppy Bowl ruferee!!!!!!!!!!!

    10. The v goob and professional grocer who hopes you have a nice day:

    This is Hila. She got jealous of the groceries. Wanted her own turn on the conveyer. Found out good girls are half off today. 13/10 a h*ckin steal

    11. This neon-clad job site regular:

    12. This lil' cashier nugget who wants to know if you'd like some free laptop stickers with your purchase:

    13. This fluffer nutter who single-handedly runs a very efficient inter-firm document delivery service:

    14. This wolfy salesman who sells many a dagger:

    15. These aquaboyes who urgently led their cattle out of the flood!!!!!!!!!!!

    16. The honorary Mayor of Cormorant, Minnesota, who's been reelected THREE WHOLE TIMES!!!!!!!! A true accomplishment.

    17. And lastly, this caring comfort doggo who realizes we all need a little help sometimes. 💖

    So my friend’s vet has a comfort-dog assistant that helps sick patients know that everything will be alright and this is really all you need to see today ❤️🐾