21 Dads Who Didn't Want A Dog, But Definitely Came Around

    Dads and dogs...Name a better duo.

    2. This ~handyman~ made his dog the play set he deserved!!!!!!

    3. These two had a little photo shoot:

    my dad didn’t want me to get a dog now look at him ahajsksk

    4. These guys — once estranged — shared a nice ol' cuddle:

    my dad: i don’t want a dog in the house! also my dad:

    5. This dad wasn't too hard to persuade, clearly:

    My dad (who didn’t want a dog) right after my family got a new puppy

    6. THIS DYNAMIC DUO 😍😍😍:

    my dad: I don’t ever want a dog in this house also my dad:

    7. This daddo-doggo combo passionately embraced:

    8. THEY SNOOOOOOOZE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    9. This dad said ABSOLUTELY 👏 NO 👏 DOGS!!!!!!!!! 👏

    Mi papá: ya no quiero perros en la casa, les aviso luego ya. mi papá ahora:

    10. This dad basked in the glow of his lil' nugget:

    My grumpy old dad interacting with the dog he didn’t want: A thread

    11. This dad made sure that his pupper 1) was protected from the rain, and 2) matched him perfectly:

    12. This pair proved that few things are as exciting as the promise of Walkies™:

    “I am not having a dog in this house”- Dad😭have u ever seen anything so precious I’m crying

    13. This montage singlehandedly restored my faith in grumpy dads everywhere:

    when dad says he doesn't want any more dogs (cocoaussy : tiktok)

    15. This dad's Snapchat story told a lovely, lovely tale of love and emotional growth:


    17. This dad played middle man between his two favorite children:

    18. This dogini did a *PROTECC* of his sleeping hooman dad:

    20. FLOOR 👏 SNUGS 👏:

    @krystaldlg my dad after he didn’t want a dog lol

    21. And finally, these two proved that they're exponentially — and unsurprisingly — cooler than all of us: