1. When the sunlight wakes you up at the ass crack of dawn.

    2. When you realize you're not in your own bed.

    3. When you still smell like alcohol.

    4. When you throw up in your mouth a little bit.

    5. When you can't tell if you're gonna boot or not, so you just stay in close proximity to a toilet.

    6. When you're PARCHED and your friends try and get you to drink water.

    7. When you regret that eighth shot of vodka.

    8. When you check Snapchat and see the heinous drunk snap your "friend" posted of you.

    9. When you look at your messages and see you drunk-texted your ex.

    10. When your friends tell you about all the embarrassing stuff you did last night.

    11. When you start to question who you've become.

    12. When you try and get at least some work done before Monday, but it's a lost cause...

    13. ...so you decide to watch Grey's Anatomy instead, but before you know it, Netflix asks you if you're still there...

    14. ...and then you nap for the next six hours.

    15. When you wake up and it's dark out?!?!?!

    16. When you pray to survive this hangover and promise the good lord you'll start leading a life of honor and sobriety if he spares you this one last time.

    17. And when you do it all over again the next weekend!!!!!!!