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    17 Must-Do's For An Epic College Experience

    Don't miss these before saying sayonara to your alma mater!

    1. Go skydiving

    2. Pull an all-nighter

    3. Join a club or frat

    4. Go streaking through campus

    5. Join an intramurals team

    6. Study abroad

    7. Totally forget to study for a test

    8. Take a spontaneous road trip

    9. Take a crazy class every semester

    10. Go camping

    11. Sneak into a restricted area on campus

    12. Land a sick internship

    13. Plan and execute the best prank of your life

    14. Buy a 30-year-old motorhome

    15. Ditch class, hit the beach

    16. Be homeless, Couch Surf

    17. Graduate and get the heck out of school!

    Share how many you've done and be sure to get out there and have some fun!