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This Is How Regular People Do Coachella

Just havin' a good time.

1. This girl who had too much fun.

2. These people just taking a break.

3. These girls trying to call their parents and assure them that they're totally fine.

4. This guy taking things from 0 to 100.

5. The guy in the corner judging everybody.

6. The one guy who does not want to put his hands in the air.

7. Vladimir Putin

8. The girl with flawless brows who's clearly not into it.

9. That one guy who may or may not be rolling.

10. That one guy who also may be rolling and the other dude who might be crying.

11. Whomever Patrick Schwarzenegger stepped over.

12. This girl getting dust/dirt blown into her face and loving it.

13. This guy who did not enjoy getting dust/dirt blown into his face.

14. These kids just having a good time.

15. This girl whose only escape was virtual.

16. Whatever is happening here.

17. These ladies going from 10 to 11.

18. And these kids who just don't give a fuck.