Wells From "Bachelor In Paradise" Is The Boyfriend We All Deserve And I Need To Talk About It

    "If anyone deserved to find someone here, it was WELLS."

    If you've been watching Bachelor in Paradise, then you should be well aware of who this gift of a man is.

    You got it — it's Wells, everybody's favorite bartender/confidante/radio DJ/resident heartthrob!

    Technically, no one on the show is supposed to hook up with Wells, so this is really like a Romeo and Juliet type of situation...

    ...but if I were on BIP, I'd be weighing the pros and cons of breaking those rules like:

    And those rules didn't seem to stop Danielle M.!

    Because, I mean...



    Not only is he hot and willing to listen to your drunken rants, but he's also animal-friendly!

    And musical and ~sensitive~!

    Basically, Wells is the perfect man and I would wife him so hard.

    I love you, Wells.

    That is all.

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