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    Why Community College Is A Better Choice For The First Two Years

    Most teenagers have probably dreamed of moving out since those dreaded Middle School days. "Like OMG I am so ready to move out and do the things I want". Right? Well, here are a few facts that show just how wrong you've been since Middle School.

    You're 5.

    Growing up sucks. Why not stay with mom and pop for a while just so you don't crash and burn your first semester? You'll have classes, homework, and most likely a job that you'll have to keep up with and do well at.

    Even though this is mostly an opinion, it may as well be a fact. Wouldn't anyone love to come home from school/ work and have dinner waiting for them on the table?


    Moneybags Rich Pants, I am not

    About half of all undergrads in the U.S. attend Community Colleges. Why? THEY ARE SUPER CHEAP!

    In the 2014-15 academic year, tuition fees at public 4-year colleges were nearly tripling that of Community Colleges.

    Read that again. You're welcome.

    S/O To The Class of 2015!

    Even though only about 28% of Community College students graduate within 3 years, some only take classes to improve skills. If you're like me and just going to get Gen Ed. classes out of the way then that doesn't quite "apply" to us.

    HA. Apply. Get it? No? OK.

    Short, sweet, and to the point. I, personally, was about to throw myself out into the real world without any guidance whatsoever. All I was going to have was my roommate who would leaving in a few months anyways. I was super stuck. But after I made the (late) decision to attend Community College for my first two years I felt like a huge weight had been lifted off of my shoulders. Thank you, Community College, for existing so I wouldn't die my first semester (figuratively of course).