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    New Study Suggests The Smell Of Babies Are Addicting

    Maybe their cuteness isn't the only reason people like them...

    New Study Suggests The Smell Of Babies Are Addicting

    Scientists from University of Montreal recently conducted a study about the odor of newborns and women's brain activity.

    They used 30 women, half mothers and half not, for the study. They gave them each a puff of different odors, tracking their brain activity. The women usually found the newborn baby odor pleasant. The brain activity for the odor showed their limbic system lit up. The limbic system of the brain controls emotions and drives, one of the drives being care for offspring. For those who were mothers, the reward center responded stronger than those who haven't been through birth.

    "You have this new person, this little thing in your home that's crying all the time but it's such a beautiful thing, every parent will tell you. And why is that? It's partly because of these activations here. You want to be close to the baby, it gives you so much reward. Some people describe a baby's odour like chicken soup," Fransnelli, a professor of psychology in Montreal University, told Global News.

    Men weren't included in the study, so we don't know if this is a human reaction or just a female reaction.