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Tell Us About Your Period

We want to know how you flow.

If you've had a period, you probably have some feelings about it.

And the perceptions — and practicalities — of menstruation vary across cultures.

We want to hear what it's like to have a period in your country and culture.

From what products you use and how much they cost...

...to the euphemisms for menstruation in your language.

Maybe you were taught that your periods were dirty or shameful, or something you shouldn't talk about.

Maybe there are guidelines or superstitions about things you shouldn't do while on your period.

We want to hear all about what it's like to have a period where you're from.

You can submit your response (anonymously if you’d like) in the form below. You can also view the form here, which might be easier on mobile. Feel free to include as few or as many details as you’d like.