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Tell Us About Your Parental Leave Experience

We want to hear from you — whether you're a mom or a dad, if you gave birth, adopted or created your family any other way.

Parental leave policies vary widely around the world — from zero government-mandated paid leave in the US to 87 paid weeks in Estonia.

We want to hear about your experience taking leave to care for a new child.

Maybe it felt like your time away from work flew by.

Maybe you were itching to go back to a job you loved, or reclaim your identity outside of being a parent.

Or maybe you weren't able to take any leave at all.

Whatever your experience was, we'd love to hear from you — whether you're a mom or a dad, if you gave birth, adopted or created your family any other way.

You can submit your experience (anonymously if you’d like) in the form below. You can also view the form here, which might be easier on mobile. Feel free to include as few or as many details as you’d like.