What Our Immigrant Parents Texted Us On Election Night

    "Let's accept the reality, which does not take always the direction that we want."

    With Donald Trump as our president-elect, this election continues to be a very emotional time for a number of people, including immigrants and those whose parents were not born in the United States.

    Here are some of the things our immigrant parents texted us on election night.

    1. "Is that good news for USA?"

    2. "Want to go into a coma for 4 years."

    3. "I am so disappointed about the election."

    4. "Nueve casa entonces / Find a new home then."

    5. "What the hell is wrong with America."

    6. "God help us."

    7. "I am going to live in Singapore. We are all doomed."

    8. "Both my parents have green cards but are not full citizens. I'm worried."

    9. "A man who could never relate to the working class or the world, who's full of hate and ignorance can ... WIN?"

    10. "Worried worried about all things women's rights and civil rights — foreign relations, too, especially!"

    11. "What can we do?"

    12. "Let's accept the reality, which does not take always the direction that we want."

    13. "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free."