12 School Nightmares You Never Need To Experience Again

    Like having to explain yourself to your teacher AND your parents when you did poorly on a test.

    1. Staying up late to study the most boring, monotonous bullshit in the world.

    2. You had to ask each time you wanted to go to the bathroom, and everybody in the room knew about it.

    3. And having to count the minutes until recess, which always took too long to get to.

    4. But consider this: You never have to take physical education ever again in your life!

    5. Of course, now you're the one forcing yourself to hit the gym.

    6. If you did poorly on a test, you had to explain yourself to the teacher AND your parents.

    7. And you certainly won't miss those awful people who worked in the front office.

    8. Your boss doesn't do roll call each day, calling out each employee's name.

    9. That terrible feeling of being totally lost during a lecture but not speaking up because everyone else seems to be following along and you don't want to look dumb.

    10. You no longer have to worry about ever cramming for a test.

    11. Or homework!

    12. And you know what else is better left in the past? Group projects.