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    24 Problems Steryotypical Nerds Will Never Have

    Being a nerd has more advantages than you'd think.

    1. Having to reject a date because you already have one

    2. Failing a class

    3. Having to retake a class because you failed

    4. Missing out on an awesome hidden level on a game because you couldn't apply the code

    5. Losing Settlers of Catan at every family gathering

    6. Not being trusted by adults

    7. Being poor in your adulthood

    8. Getting too drunk at a party to make it home

    9. Having to spend lots of money on fancy clothes for dances

    10. Not having a writing utensil handy

    11. Getting called to the office for breaking dress code

    12. Needing a calculator

    13. Forgetting to do your homework because you were out with your friends

    14. Not being able to see because you refuse to wear your glasses for fear of looking lame

    15. Misplacing papers/books/anything

    16. Running out of conversation starters

    17. Suffering from all of those breakups

    18. Being that awkward person in the group who didn't get the classic novel refference

    19. Not knowing which plants are edible in a survival situation

    20. Getting expelled for starting fights

    21. Having to choose which of the two sports that run during the same season to play

    22. Getting sunburnt

    23. Having awkward empty bookshelf space

    24. Having no friends

    So basically, nerds are awesome on top of being rulers of the world.