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Volunteer Firefighters Rescue A Baby Fox Stuck In A Storm Drain

They are "tasked with protecting lives, not just human." Awwwwww.

According to a report in the Baltimore Sun, the firefighters received a call about a yelping animal stuck in a storm drain, and they immediately responded, donning their suits to rescue the red fox from where he was trapped.

Watch this video of the fox's knight in reflective armor explaining his rescue:


The firefighters named the little guy Pierce, and brought him back to the fire station.

Although the men joked on Facebook that they wanted to keep the adorable kit, they were actually calling Animal Control and "several local and regional veterinarians" to try to find a place that would take good care of their charge.

The volunteers eventually reached the Chadwell Animal Hospital, who gave them advice throughout the night on his feeding and care.

The next morning, Pierce got to ride in the fire truck again and was dropped off at the veterinary hospital, where he will be treated until he is well enough to be transported to the Phoenix Wildlife Center.

Thank you, firefighters!!