So Netflix Has Cancelled "Patriot Act With Hasan Minhaj". Here Are Some Of The Best Moments From The Show

    Why Netflix? Why?

    The curse of 2020 seems to be going strong with Netflix cancelling Patriot Act with Hasan Minhaj, after six successful seasons.

    What a run. @patriotact has come to an end. I got to work with the best writers, producers, researchers, and animators in the game. My 2 babies were born and grew up with the show. TY to @Netflix and everyone who watched. Now it’s time to return these screens to Best Buy 😎

    Twitter obviously had thoughts about how Hasan wonderfully represented Asian-Americans and how he especially did a fine job of bringing issues plaguing South Asians to light:

    Wait, Patriot Act has been cancelled? This is such a shame. Hasan was doing something needed and special, and spoke with such authority and clarity about issues centering South Asians. This sucks.

    it was incredibly powerful, seeing an Asian American host a show that did not take obvious pains to "appeal to a wider audience" (aka a whiter audience) and instead enveloped so much of @hasanminhaj 's experience unapologetically, authentically into each episode.

    Hasan’s stories about growing up Asian-American were formative to finding my pride in being one. I felt represented watching Hasan and Patriot Act. I really hope this isn’t the end... Hey @LastWeekTonight, get your buddy on @HBO! I can’t lose him. 😭

    It is especially concerning given the fact that the show has been cancelled mere months before the presidential elections in the United States:

    2016: Comedy Central cancels The Nightly Show, one of the only comedy news shows hosted by/focused on people of color, in middle of election year 2020: Netflix cancels Patriot Act, one of the only comedy news shows hosted by/focused on people of color, in middle of election year

    Netflix just canceled @hasanminhaj’s vital PATRIOT ACT at a time of global pandemic and racial reckoning, in the middle of the most critical election in modern history, right after the unveiling of a Dem ticket whose VP is Indian American. That is to say: When we needed it most.

    While a lot of us are broken-hearted, here are just some of the MANY brilliant and downright hilarious moments from the show for you to savour:

    This exchange with the Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau:

    And, while chatting about climate change, Hasan had the balls to say this to Trudeau:

    When, in an episode about fast fashion, he spoke about the ridiculous number of clothes that retailers come out with every week, while throwing shade at the platform that hosted his show:

    And this subtle burn:

    When, in an episode about billionaires, Hasan made this pretty solid statement:

    When he explained the intricacies of the Harry Potter universe to Bernie Sanders:

    When he had this to say about cruises:

    When Hasan got roasted by an Indian Uncle:


    Continuing with the roasts, when desi uncles and aunties actively dissuaded him from working on an episode about the Indian elections:

    And when, in the same episode, he had this to say about the Indian politician Shashi Tharoor:

    When, in a follow-up episode to the elections, the same uncle was back with his burns:

    Followed by a different uncle (top left) telling him this:

    And when this guy wrathfully rebuked Hasan for his political beliefs and then...ASKED HIM FOR A PICTURE!

    And finally, when Hasan addressed anti-blackness within the South Asian community, in the most powerful way:

    Farewell, Patriot Act!