Is Reading Private WhatsApp Chats A Superpower Because This Journalist Surely Has It

    "Read by Navika"

    Welcome back to another episode of 2020 — the year of a pandemic, civil unrest, fires, explosions, untimely deaths of famous people, and...journalists reading private WhatsApp conversations in the name of news.

    Journalist navika kumar reads whatsapp chats on primetime news

    1. Which makes one wonder how truly innovative Indian journalism has become:

    Navika Kumar is the only Journalist whose Journalism is based on Whatsapp msgs & Chats.


    Principal of WhatsApp School of Journalism - Navika Kumar 🕺🏻


    The best joke of 2020 so far has been Navika kumar saying we cant show you the number coz we respect the person's privacy and then continue to read their entire whatsapp chat on the big screen

    4. It also makes one wonder about the other *minor* issues plaguing the country:

    Wonder why Navika Kumar never reads a Farmer's whatsapp chats and msgs.


    It's not like Times Now won't raise the issue of farmers. All that farmers have to do is, send a WhatsApp message to Navika saying that they're growing weed.

    6. And WhatsApp's new 'policies':

    Whatsapp has started doing a third tick for when Navika Kumar has read your message.


    Breaking: Whatsapp to launch new tick mark on messages to indicate "Read by Navika"


    Just In : Mark Zuckerberg hires Navika Kumar to find bugs in WhatsApp encryption algorithm.


    WhatsApp launched new tick mark on messages to indicate "Read by Navika"


    STFU WhatsApp. We know you send over everything to Navika


    WhatsApp: 🚫 This message was deleted Navika Kumar: Not for me


    Am thinking of deleting Whatsapp. Not because I saw “Social Dilemma” but because I am worried that Navika Kumar is reading all my messages


    14. Should we even bother reading our own messages when this journalist can do that for us?

    Hey navika need some help in recovering my whatsapp chat ! Can u please help 😂


    Hey @navikakumar, I need to check whether my ex misses me or not. Can you check his Whatsapp chats? PWEEEEZ? PRETTY PWEEEEZ?


    hey navika kumar, pls get access to this guys whatsapp and see if he's texting other girls thanks behen


    @GauravPandhi @navikakumar Navika Please check my Boyfriend whatsapp chat for me .. I feel like he is cheating on me and dating my best friend..!


    Just sent a WhatsApp message to my mom asking how many onions I have to put in the curry. Navika has pinged back suggesting I also add 3 green chillies with the onions.

    19. I mean, privacy is merely a construct, right?

    *Me and my friends talking in WhatsApp group* Meanwhile, Navika Kumar :


    Navika watching me make a fool of myself while texting my crush


    One day Navika will climb out of the TV screen like that girl in The Ring to grab your phone and start reading your Whatsapp messages.


    N*vika Kum*r is looking at your nudes. Take good ones.



    Today I Deleted All My Whatsapp Chats as I'am Worried Navika Kumar may Someday Disclose my Chats too🤪🤪


    Navika gets access to his WhatsApp next.


    Naavika Kumar exposes Family WhatsApp Group Chats

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