23 Photos That Will Simply Restore Your Faith In Humanity

    This post will make you smile.

    1. This amazing gift of nature and mankind.

    2. Meet the most patient human being on this planet.

    3. Reading this hilarious interaction is making me feel light-headed.

    4. There's nothing quite like the imagination of a kid.

    5. I wish I had this parrot in my life.

    6. He is certainly the main character but how amazing are the people who were at this particular Starbucks?

    7. Grandparents are the best, exhibit 1:

    8. Grandparents are the best, exhibit 2:

    9. This endearing couple will restore your faith in love.

    10. And this reunion will restore your faith in true friendship.

    11. I can't decide who is more adorable here — the baby penguin or Hugh Jackman.

    12. Just Weird Al being the MVP.

    13. Spoiler alert, but the mouse will thankfully be okay.

    14. Those are some epic first words.

    15. I love the bond that they share.

    16. Why being married is pretty great.

    17. That's one good guy.

    18. This was so heartwarming.

    19. I mean, his identity must be protected at all costs!

    20. Meet Barney! He's nine years old and the happiest looking cat you'll see today.

    21. These babies are only one-month-old!

    22. Whisper the word "treat" and they assemble from all corners of the house.

    23. This is sheer purrrfection.