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    9 Signs You're Still Obsessed With Lost

    So it's been 10 years (but who's counting?) Well, for some people, it's gonna take a lot more than a decade (if ever) to fully put Lost behind them. Are you one of those people? Or are you an Other...? Let's find out!

    1. Power Ball Tickets

    Every time you go to buy a Power Ball ticket (or simply think of getting one), it always crosses your mind to choose 4 8 15 16 23 42 as the lucky numbers.

    2. Need some sad music? LOST has your back.

    Whenever you're feeling down and just need to indulge in some sad/slow music (and probably some ice cream too), "There's No Place Like Home" from the LOST soundtrack is part of your playlist. *tears*

    3. Oa-who? Oahu.

    It is on your bucket list to visit the island of Oahu in Hawaii because that's where majority of the show was filmed.

    4. Will you ever be able to say bye to your friends normally again?

    Whenever someone says "see ya/see you" to you, you mumble under your breath "IN ANOTHA LIFE BROTHA" as you're walking away.

    Oh, Desmond.

    5. Oceanic 815

    For a good amount of time after finishing the show, (whether that was yesterday or a year ago or what not), you would scream OCEAN 815 and point at any plane that was passing above.

    6. These quotes will probably stay with you forever.

    You have at least one go-to quote from the show that is engraved into your soul.

    Most of the people I've encountered have "Don't tell me what I can't do" as theirs.

    Another common one is of course, "We have to go back!"

    But the choices are endless, really.

    7. Alex Cross.

    For those of you who don't know, in 2012 a film called Alex Cross came out and Matthew Fox (Jack Shephard) played the main villain (as pictures show).

    If you saw the film when it first came out and you saw what he looked like, (or maybe you're seeing it for the first time right now), you were (or are) feeling some type of way AKA you went (are going) into a bit of shock.

    Because in your eyes, Matthew Fox is Jack Shephard. Jack Shephard is Matthew Fox. Or at the VERY LEAST, Matthew Fox is not a ripped, cold-hearted killer. *faints* (did your heart break a little?)

    8. Piggy Banks Galore!

    You have a fund that is solely dedicated to saving up enough to buy the whole series on DVD (one day) and perhaps a Dharma Initiative T-Shirt/LOST Board Game as well. Whatever floats your boat. Or should I say..whatever flies your plane.

    9. Loyal Lost-ees.

    With all the new and acclaimed shows that have started over the past few years (e.g. Game of Thrones, Breaking Bad, etc) comes, of course, new and passionate fans.

    Now, while we can all admit that a lot of these new shows are really wonderful, we never forget what holds the title as #1 (and when other shows' fans fight us on it, we do not back down): you guessed it, LOST.

    Namaste, my friends and thanks for reading!