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    Social Media Movement "Red Thumb Reminder" Gives the Finger to Texting & Driving

    When you drive a vehicle, one small thing stands between your smartphone and a life-threatening accident: your not-so-smart thumb. Why not paint it a fierce red to scream texting while driving is a no-no? Red Thumb Reminder is a movement that serves as a stop sign to multitasking behind the wheel. “This is an old-school approach to a new-world problem,” says Steve Babcock, the idea's originator. “You don’t need much: You need a thumb. You need the desire. And you need nail polish.” Continue to


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    Inspired by my daughter's technique of tying a piece of yarn around her finger to remember something for school, I decided to paint my thumbnail red so every time I picked up my phone from behind the wheel, all I would see was a big red thumb reminding me to put the phone away. As silly as it sounds, it totally worked. And now my hope is that it'll work for everyone else. One red thumbnail at a time.