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This Guy Hired A Personal Friendship Coach And It Freaking Worked

"I am EXTREMELY awkward."

Steven wanted to become better at making friends, so he took the plunge and hired a friendship coach.

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This is Steven. He describes himself as "extremely awkward."

His coworkers lovingly agreed.

Steven hired a life coach for a week to help him "overcome awkwardness and make new friends."

"Sometimes I feel paralyzed and awkward in conversations."

Dr. Liz Laugeson said that some people struggle with "social cognition," which is "a person's ability to pick up on social cues and understand another person's point of view."

Coach Debra Joy's first tip was for Steven to practice just saying hi to people, and see what happens.

To just go all in on pushing himself out of his comfort zone, Steven recruited "the most social person" he knows: KEITH.

Keith gave Steven challenges to stretch his social comfort, starting with an easy one: Talk to someone new every single day.

Steven talked to some strangers on the street, but two ladies he spoke to "thought I was going to rob them." His coach advised him to take breaths and stay in the moment whenever he felt overwhelmed.

He went to socialize in the BuzzFeed canteen, but got too stressed out before he even walked in.

For his second challenge, Keith told Steven to engage his friend crush in conversation.

Steven confessed that his friend crush is Zack Evans, and it was adorable.

With Debra's advice ringing in his ears, Steven prepared to make the first friendship overtures to Zack.

ALthough he was prepared for the worst, the conversation actually went SO WELL.

Those common interests really were key, as Steven and Zack gabbed about basketball super easily.

Close to the end of the week, Keith was KICKING IT UP A NOTCH.

Keith gave tips about easy convo starters to put in Steven's back pocket.

This would be a big challenge. Steven says he prefers Facebook Messenger and drinking at home to going to loud, crowded bars. "There's people there, and it smells, and it's dark."

Once again, Steven KILLED it. He bought this dude a drink and had a great convo with him.

On to the final challenge: having someone over for a hang.

Steven had cruised through all the other challenges, but he confessed that this would be the FIRST TIME he invited a friend over to his apartment.

He invited <3 Zack <3 over for some bro time.

Zack told Steven that he's actually an introvert also, just one who likes hanging out with other people.

Finally, Steven gave his very own Social Protip, saying he learned that if you just "focus on the other person, that's when I can be a better friend."

If this isn't a goddam victory story I don't know what is.