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    5 Ways To Exercise Without Exercising

    Staying fit is hard work, work out the fun way!

    Every December I always make the same new year resolution (along with a billion others) of staying fit, going the gym, eating healthy, and so on. The first two weeks are great! I think "YES, I got this!" I have a routine going, I keep track of my calorie intake and I feel awesome.

    But when the hype is over and it's the last week of January, my motivation and self discipline weaken. So, I've come up with 5 ways to exercise without exercising.

    1. Just Dance!

    If you have the game, then you're set and you can have a dance party in front of your PlayStation or Xbox. But if you're not as lucky to have the fabulous game, then you have to make your own dance party. Literally all you have to do is put on your favourite tunes and jump around. It's fun, it's energetic, and it's tiring as hell.

    2. Stair Master

    I'm sure you've all heard of this one, But it really is effective. Run up and down your stairs 10-15 times. You'll really feel it in your legs and burn LOTS of calories.

    3. Commercial Breaks

    Watching TV, whether it's a movie or a reality show (I'm a reality TV junkie-yes I know, I need help) is my favourite pastime. And once my ass is on the couch it's almost impossible for me to get it off. So I've started doing commercial break workouts. They are only 3 minutes long, but I sure as hell am out of breath when the commercials are over. Try jumping jacks, push up, sit ups, jump squats. It's almost unlimited because you only have to work for 3 minutes and then you get to sit your ass back down for the next 10. Not only are you moving around, but you also don't have to watch all those annoying ads.

    4. Lift

    You don't needs dumbbells and barbells. You need a 2-4. Seriously, just walk around holding something remotely heavy and feel the burn! Those arms (doe).

    5. Bang Bang

    You know....don't make me say it. Just find someone you find attractive that isn't related to you and get frisky. You don't even know how many calories you burn when doing the dirty.