Victoria Beckham Just Revealed Which Spice Girls Look She Hates The Most

    "Do I cringe? A little."


    Last week, Victoria Beckham (aka Posh) gave an interview to the British department store Selfridges — and when the topic turned to her ~iconic~ '90s fashion choices with the Spice Girls, Posh had some fightin' words.

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    "I look back at some of those looks that I pushed in the Spice Girls, and, you know..." she said, her voice trailing off.

    "Do I cringe? A little."

    And Victoria had one particular look that she says was the "most hideous."

    "We went to the American Music Awards, and we looked like five men in drag. We had so much makeup on. It was unbelievable," she said.

    "I look back at the pictures and I'm like, 'Whoa, that was a lot of makeup.' And then we took the layering of the makeup to a whole new level."

    Okay, TBH, drag queens are pretty freaking talented when it comes to makeup — so let's not use drag as a diss please and thanks!

    But I think Victoria's main point was that she wishes the girls had toned down their looks a bit. Which is interesting, because Posh was definitely the most ~understated~ Spice Girl anyway.

    The good news is, Victoria doesn't think ALL of her Posh looks were bad. She does mention in the interview that she loved her look in their "Goodbye" video.

    And at the end of the day, Victoria made it clear she doesn't regret any of her looks:

    I think it's great to be able to experiment, you know? And try things. And work out what works on you. I also think it's good to try new things so you can not get stuck with the same look.

    Whatever. When it comes to the Spice Girls, there are no mistakes! YOU GOT TO HANG WITH THE QUEEN!!!