This Dad Trolled His Wife On Facebook After Surprising Her With A Trip To Bermuda And People Are Shook

    Still #goals, tbh.

    World, meet Lynne and Craig Thomson — a married couple from Bishopton, Scotland, whose Facebook post about their cruise vacation has gone insanely viral.

    Lynne recently celebrated her 40th birthday, and Craig marked the occasion by planning a ~surprise trip~ to Bermuda. So far, so adorable, right?

    When Lynne finally found out where she was headed, she shared her excitement on Facebook:

    But it's Craig's comment on her celebratory Facebook status that has people gasping — and laughing:


    The Thomsons' daughter, Caitlyn, shared her parents' exchange on Twitter, where it has amassed over 100,000 likes in just a few days. Because let's be honest, this shit is PEAK DAD:

    Dads been planning a big surprise holiday for my mums 40th and she's only just found out where they are going ((at the check in desk!!!)) and my dad is always the romantic 😭😭😭 buckled

    Despite Craig's rather biting sense of humor, Caitlin says he's actually a total sweetheart, who spent months planning out the perfect surprise trip for his wife.

    "He’ll do absolutely anything for her, and she’d do the same back!" Caitlyn told BuzzFeed. "They’re constantly having a laugh."

    And Caitlyn says her mom got a kick out of his Bermuda Triangle joke, adding: "It's the kind of humor she married him for."

    People on Twitter are equally amused by the combination of lovely romantic gesture and absolutely savage roast.

    For some folks, it's definitely #goals.

    And lots of people see their own dads in Craig:

    Have fun on your trip, Thomsons! And whatever you do, stay away from that Triangle...