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Kim Kardashian Was Asked About That College Admissions Scandal And Her Response Deserves An A+

"There really is no easy way out."

By now, you've probably heard about the massive college admissions scam that saw dozens of parents arrested — including actors Felicity Huffman and Lori Loughlin.

Well, Kim Kardashian West was asked for her thoughts on the whole mess in an interview last night with Van Jones — and the reality star did not hold back.

"If [my kids] couldn't get into a school, I would never want to use privilege to try to force them into a situation that they wouldn't thrive in anyway," she told Jones.

She went on to describe the behavior of the parents involved in the scandal as "not appropriate."

"I want my kids to be kind. I want my kids to be as grounded as possible. To buy your way into something just wouldn't benefit anybody."

Kim went on to describe how she hopes her recent decision to study law will show her children the value of hard work:

I have my backpack, they have their backpack. They're studying, I'm studying. And them seeing that I have this filming career, and that I'm having makeup samples tested all over my arm, while I'm trying to read my flashcards... I hope they get inspired to know that they can put in the hard work.

"And even though I'm in my late thirties and just finishing college, or attempting to do that now, it's never too late and there really is no easy way out," she concluded.

Cheers to that, Kim.

You can watch the full segment here.