Jennifer Aniston Just Got Real About Turning 50 In Hollywood

    "I think we need to establish some etiquette around that dialogue and verbiage.”

    Jennifer Aniston just gave an interview to InStyle — and in it, she got real about turning 50 and the challenges she now faces in Hollywood.

    “Fifty was the first time I thought, Well, that number,” she told the magazine.

    "I don’t know what it is because I don’t feel any different," she went on to say. "Things aren’t shutting down in any way. I feel physically incredible."

    But according to Jennifer, she now notices ways she's treated differently in Hollywood — especially when people say she looks good "for her age."

    "So it’s weird that it’s all of a sudden getting telegraphed in a way that’s like, 'You look amazing for your age,'" she said.

    "I think we need to establish some etiquette around that dialogue and verbiage."

    Still, Jennifer says she's proud of her age, and the power that comes with it:

    Women were never allowed to have power. Power feels sexy to me today, as does women’s intelligence and how capable and creative they are.

    Although there is ONE thing she admits she will continue to do until the day she dies: color her hair.

    "I’m not gonna lie — I don’t want gray hair," she said.

    You can check out Jennifer's full interview with InStyle here.