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"Hillary Clinton" Wants You To Know Some Silly Emails Aren't Going To Stop Her From Being President

Saturday Night Live responded brilliantly to Clinton's email scandal with a skit featuring Kate McKinnon.

"Hillary Clinton" has a message for all of you who think her email scandal will affect her 2016 chances: Nice try.

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Saturday Night Live's Kate McKinnon brilliantly spoofed the controversy surrounding Clinton's use of personal email while she served as secretary of state in a skit this weekend.

First of all, "Clinton" wants to be clear that she is TOTALLY still deciding whether to run for president in 2016.

But IF she does, she says that nothing will stop her rise to the top, especially not some emails.

"Clinton" wants to know, do you really think she's emailing people about Benghazi?

Nope, she says the only thing you'll find in her email are some romantic exchanges with Bill.

"Clinton" says you can even check out her Instagram. All you're going to find is a normal gal doing everyday activities.

So moral of the story, "Clinton" wants you to know this "controversy" isn't going to stop her rise.

Later, haters.