19 Moments In The Movie "Soul" That Will Tug Your Heart Strings

    Can whoever is cutting onions near me please stop?


    So last weekend I cozied up on the couch with some snacks and finally got around to watching the movie Soul.

    The title Soul

    If you haven't seen it, let me give you a quick synopsis: Joe is a middle-school band teacher who believes his life is not what he dreamed it would be. His true passion is jazz, but after an unfortunate accident, he travels to another realm and helps someone find their passion. He soon discovers what it means to have soul.

    With that being said, here are the moments that really filled my heart with so much love:

    1. When Joe came to the realization that his life is not what he thought it was.

    Joe with 22 saying "My life was meaningless."

    2. When one of Joe's students wanted to quit her passion.

    A student saying "and maybe you can listen to it and tell me to quit after, okay?"

    3. When 22 (inside Joe's body) became mesmerized by the performer in the subway station.

    22 as Joe listening to a street performer

    4. When Joe finally expressed how he felt to his mother.

    22 as Joe saying "So Dad could pursue his dreams, and I can't?"

    5. When 22 was feeling like she just wasn't meant for life on Earth.

    22 as Joe saying "Maybe I'm not good enough for living"

    6. When Joe selfishly invalidated 22's experience on Earth in his body.

    Joe saying "She only got that because she was living my life in my body"

    7. When Jerry laid down this major truth bomb.

    Jerry saying "A spark isn't a soul's purpose"

    8. When Joe finished a gig he had been dreaming about for his whole life but it didn't feel the way he expected.

    Joe saying "I thought I'd feel different"

    9. When Dorothea told Joe this story about the fish.

    Dorothea saying "What I want is the ocean"

    10. When Joe reminisces memories of his life where he felt his "spark".

    Joe as a kid listening to music with his father

    11. Like when he played music for his father.

    Joe playing piano for his elderly father

    12. When he is trying to give the Earth pass back to 22 but she's turned into a lost soul and he sees the people in her past who have brought her down...including him.

    Joe surrounding by old mentors saying "and you are the least remarkable soul I've ever met"

    13. When he explains to 22 how she filled the last box that gave her the Earth pass.

    A father swinging his daughter in the distance and Joe saying "The last box fills in when you're ready to come live"

    14. When 22 is scared of going down to Earth and Joe offers to go down with her as far as he could so she'd feel safe.

    Joe and 22 holding hands

    15. I can't... I'm crying just looking at this.

    Joe and 22 holding hands as they fall to Earth

    16. And then the Earth pass starts to beep, so she knows he can't go much further now.

    Joe and 22 looking at each other


    Joe and 22 letting their hands go

    17. When Joe finally feels like he's ready to go to The Great Beyond.

    Joe heading into The Great Beyond


    Jerry holding a portal back to Earth saying "So, we all decided to give you another chance"

    19. And finally, when Joe steps outside on his first day back on Earth and decides to live every minute to the fullest.

    Joe saying "I'm going to live every minute of it"

    So, what's your spark?