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    These Borderline Genius Tattoo DIYs Are Quick And Painless

    Because the real thing hurts. A lot.

    You love tattoos...

    Lazy Girl Version

    1. Draw on your liquid eyeliner and set with a spritz of hairspray.

    The Computer-Printed Version

    1. Lay out your image or images on a blank document and flip the images horizontally.

    2. Print on the glossy side of your tattoo paper.

    3. Peel the adhesive film off of the paper it comes on, and layer it onto your tattoos.

    4. Cut out your tattoos.

    5. Peel off the adhesive, lay the image on your skin, and press a damp rag on the tattoo until the paper is flimsy. Then, peel off the paper to reveal your glorious new tat.


    Watch the full tutorial here.

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