Anna Kendrick's Surprisingly Funny Twitter Account

    If you aren't following the Oscar nominated actress and star of Pitch Perfect, then you are missing out.


    If I could make one wish for the world it would be that "door close" buttons in elevators were actually functional. #ThenWorldPeaceIGuess

    If I could make one wish for the world it would be that "door close" buttons in elevators were actually functional. #ThenWorldPeaceIGuess-- Anna Kendrick


    An outbreak of syphilis in the porn community has halted production nationwide? What the hell am I going to watch for the next week?

    An outbreak of syphilis in the porn community has halted production nationwide? What the hell am I going to watch for the next week?-- Anna Kendrick



    I literally had to imagine I had a penis to get through it.

    I literally had to imagine I had a penis to get through it.-- Anna Kendrick


    Every time I talk to a fancy journalist and they ask what I do in my free time my scumbag brain goes "say masturbate, it'll be hilarious"

    Every time I talk to a fancy journalist and they ask what I do in my free time my scumbag brain goes "say masturbate, it'll be hilarious"-- Anna Kendrick


    Am I the only one who always wanted to give Trix to the rabbit?

    Am I the only one who always wanted to give Trix to the rabbit?-- Anna Kendrick



    Tried to feed a seagull yesterday. I thought if I played it cool it would eat out of my hand. Also, I am dumb sometimes

    Tried to feed a seagull yesterday. I thought if I played it cool it would eat out of my hand. Also, I am dumb sometimes Anna Kendrick


    There r few things in this world as perversely satisfying as popping zits, but Ive thought of one. Ripping off false lashes, amirite ladies?

    There r few things in this world as perversely satisfying as popping zits, but Ive thought of one. Ripping off false lashes, amirite ladies?-- Anna Kendrick



    Nobody gets me.-- Anna Kendrick


    The phrase "Craigslist Killer" is trending... is this about a movie? Or my old roommate?

    The phrase "Craigslist Killer" is trending... is this about a movie? Or my old roommate?-- Anna Kendrick
