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    Single Ladies' Guide To Valentine's Day ( Chicago )

    If you live in Chicago and you're single, here's a suggested itinerary to keep your single self filled with joy.

    Keep your chin up. Being single isn't the worst thing in the world. Being a member of The Pussycat Dolls is. But thats besides the point. Valentine's Day doesn't have to be a day you dread. Chicago is a wonderful, beautiful city that's filled with adventure. Here's a suggested itinerary to keep your single self filled with joy.

    10:00am – Sleep in, you deserve it! Ain't no man/woman holding you down! Get showered and then put on the sexiest (weather appropriate) thing you own. You're gonna be turning heads all day.

    11:00am – Ride the El. Blast "Independent Woman" on your headphones so everyone can hear it. Feel no remorse. Get off at Jackson and go into Garret's Popcorn. Because you're beautiful girl, and you deserve a delicious treat. Walk over to Millenium Park.

    12:00pm- Take over 200 selfies of your reflection in The Bean. Show the world (Facebook) how much you love yourself. You don't need a man/woman to fulfill you. You're perfect.

    1:00pm – Great, an hour is about enough time to love yourself. Now, buy a ticket and go to Museum of Modern Art. It's worth the $15-20 to look at the art and realize you can put 40lbs of shit inside a wheel barrow and put it on display as "The Economy." Anything you do is amazing as long as you have confidence.

    1:45pm – 45 minutes is enough of any Art Museum before wanting to die. Jump on that 151 and take long ass local bus to the Lincoln Park Zoo.

    2:45pm– That was a long ass bus ride, but it was worth it. You saw some of the lake. Go to the Wild Cat house where the lions, jaguars and tigers are. Stand and think. Those poor cats are caged. Just like being in a relationship. You don't need that bullshit.

    3:00pm – You don't care that you were there for 15 minutes. It was free and now you're a little bit emotional. Not because you're single, because of the cages. You need a pick-me-up. And nothing says pick me up like texting all you recent exes and saying "Hey. I just wanted to let you know that I'm really thankful that we've broken up. You've taught me a lot - like the fact I can do a lot better."

    5:00pm – Wow, you had a lot of recent exes. Girl, time for a DIY Happy Hour. Get to the nearest Binny's, grab your favorite liquor and mixer and head home.

    7:00pm – You've got a good buzz going (you've only eaten popcorn) and it feels great. Time to order Thai food. It doesn't make you feel as guilty as pizza.

    8:30pm – You feel full and you feel great. Time to watch a marathon of Master Chef Junior on Netflix. Because childrens' dreams mixed with incredible food is the best combination for feelings.

    Midnight – You've watched an entire season, you've utilized an entire box of tissues and you're ready to take on the world.