Look At These Photos Of The SRK Super Fan Who Dedicated His House And Life To The Actor

    I Khan't even.

    Shah Rukh Khan is arguably the biggest Bollywood celebrity of all time.

    SRK has scores of fan who adore him and are pretty crazy about him IRL.

    But this fan is hands down the most involved and intense SRK admirer ever. Meet Vishal Singh from Lucknow who is such a huge SRK follower that he even changed his name to Vishahrukh.

    If you don't believe us, take a look at his car.

    Even his wife Ruchi is crazy about SRK and Vishahrukh bonded with her over their mutual admiration for the superstar.

    The couple has two kids, Aryan and Simran.

    Vishahrukh and his wife spent their honeymoon in Mumbai, and even got a chance to meet SRK at his house Mannat.

    And after all these years, Vishahrukh still has the soft drink cans he and his wife drank out of, when they visited SRK's house.

    His love for the star has made Vishahrukh famous in Lucknow. So much so that even his house has become "Shah Rukh Khan Palace" for them.

    There are pictures of the superstar on literally each and every wall in Vishahrukh's house.

    Even the ceilings, guys.

    He even has pictures of SRK in his place of worship.

    People queue up outside his "Shah Rukh Palace" just to get a glimpse of what's inside.

    On the top-most floor of his house, Vishahrukh has built a mini-theatre that plays the actor's movies

    And Vishahrukh passionately dedicates his success in life to SRK which is pretty incredible.