Sonam Kapoor's Sister Explained Why "Chick Flick" Is A Sexist Term On Sonam's Snapstory

    "If there were men, it wouldn't be called a 'man-flick'."

    Everyone who follows Sonam Kapoor on Snapchat knows how she likes to torture her loved ones by forcing them to be in her snapstories. Well, she has engineered a new torturing device, The Snapchat Press-con.

    And she heckled her sister Rhea Kapoor, who btw is also producing Sonam's upcoming film Veere Di Wedding, in her first Snapchat press-con.

    Rhea was unwilling to participate in the shenanigans.

    Sonam: Is it gonna be fun?

    Rhea: Yes, I think it's gonna be fun.

    Sonam: Isn't the music, like, amazing?

    Rhea: Fingers crossed.

    Sonam: Can I Snapchat on set?

    Rhea: Yes... We'll try to control you.

    BUT she made an important point about female-centric films being mindlessly labelled as "chick flicks".

    Rhea. Shut. That. Shit. Down.