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    How To Convince Someone To Watch Teen Wolf

    Teen Wolf is a show about teenage werewolves. Or is it….

    Meet Scott.

    He's a special flower.

    But he looks like a Mexican Superman.

    This is BBF4LYFE Stiles

    To quote someone on Tumblr, “Stiles doesn’t just give you feels, he shoves them down your fucking throat.”

    He is also hilarious and adorable. And has an oral fixation. ( And by that, I mean, everyone has a fixation with his mouth.)

    He is everything beautiful about the world. Puppies. Kittens. Double Rainbows. Pie.

    This is his boyfriend Derek.

    There is more than subtext. It’s all caps.

    Derek’s life is suuuper depressing.

    Next there is Isaac, who is has the face of a angel. That you want to have sex with. (No, not Castiel…)

    There is also Jackson. He’s a major asshat.

    Not looking for hot dudes? There is also Scott’s (sometimes) girlfriend Allison.

    Most important of all the women is Lydia

    There are a lot more people, but you get the point

    Teen Wolf may have the world's worst CGI running scenes, but with faces like these, who needs CGI.

    TL;DR: Watch Teen Wolf