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10 Things Every Child Of The Internet Remembers

The Internet is now more than two decades old, and a lot of fortunate and unfortunate things have happened during that time. Here are ten things you surely grew up with. There's no better way to experience them all again with a Sony Vaio.

1. SmarterChild

2. "The End of the World"

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"The End of the World," aka "End of ze World," was originally uploaded to Albino Blacksheep—one of the first Flash user-animation-sharing websites around—and it quickly spread out from there. In fact, many of its catchphrases, like "I am le tired," are still in use today.

3. "All your base are belong to us"

4. Homestar Runner

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Conceived as a parody of modern ("dismal") children's books, Mike Chapman and Craig Zobel created The Homestar Runner Enters the Strongest Man in the World Contest, which was the only incarnation of the characters until 1999, when Mike's younger brother, Matt Chapman ("The Brothers Chaps") took up Flash. Thus, was born, and followed hundreds of animated videos of Homestar, Strong Bad, Mr. Bland, Señor, The Cheat, and more. Oh, and of course, Trogdor...

5. BonziBuddy

6. Kazaa

7. Badger Badger Badger

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Badger Badger Badger taught us all that in order to have fun, you really don't need more than a bunch of badgers doing calisthenics, a couple'a mushrooms being introduced intimidatingly, and a snake in the desert.

8. LiveJournal

9. Dancing Baby


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Featuring adorably plump and well-dressed "hampsters," Hampster Dance was one of the first pieces of content created wholly on the Internet that eventually spread beyond a meme into the mainstream consciousness. It set the precedent for animal content going totally vi, and also proved, once again, that even generally "bad" songs all have their place in cyberspace.

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