This Dude Has Spent Years Travelling Around The World, Doing Headstands Everywhere

    He's getting "travelling for new perspectives" right.

    Meet 29-year-old Bengaluru-based artist, Vinay Pateel.

    Pateel loves travelling and is currently on his way to Central America for the next leg of his trip around the world. But he follows a strange tradition wherever he travels — he does a headstand.

    So be it on the edge of this valley near Bigsby Bridge in California...

    Or in the fog in Costa Rica...

    Or on the side of a hill...

    Or in the middle of a goddamned forest...

    He is just there... ON HIS HEAD.

    He doesn't really care about attention from bystanders either.

    "It's a way for me to overcome my camera shyness and take pictures wherever I go. I wasn't into taking pictures before this and have no pictures from many trips," Pateel told BuzzFeed.

    "Headstands came naturally to me without any practice so it's kinda special enjoy doing them," he added.

    You can follow him on his travels on YouTube and Instagram.