These Mumbai Teenagers Decided To Teach Underprivileged Kids Coding To Help Them Get Better Jobs

    "Initially, it's challenging for the students to grasp the technicalities. But once they see the results, you can see the excitement on their faces."

    1. Avantika Mehra and Saakshi Kakar are Mumbai-based17-year-old students.

    2. Earlier this year, the two girls taught underprivileged students from in and around Mumbai as part of an initiative called TechStart.

    3. Since the first class, they have (along with a team of volunteers) trained 40 students under this initiative.

    4. Initially, they started with Down-to-Earth, an NGO that their school worked with. Soon enough, they had offers from other NGOs and even Mozilla to collaborate on the project.

    5. "Initially, it's challenging for the students to grasp the technicalities. But once they see the results, you can see the excitement on their faces," Mehra told BuzzFeed.

    6. While they have been running on a non-profit basis so far, they are looking for contributors to the project on Ketto.