11 Actual, Working Study Hacks That You Can Use For Your Exams

    Everybody could use a helping hand during these stressful times.

    We recently asked the BuzzFeed Community for their favorite study hacks. Here are the ones that actually work.

    1. Bring some colour into your study time.

    "Make your notes more colourful. The colours help you remember and associate better." — Shweta Renganathan via Facebook.

    2. Discuss papers with friends over WhatsApp calls.

    3. Play some amazing background music to be able to concentrate more.

    4. Take a break and move to a different room when you feel like it.

    5. Make audio recordings of you reading the notes so that you can hear them later.

    6. Get some rest from time to time.

    7. Don't study when you're stressed out.

    8. Visual aids are great.

    9. Eating healthy miiiight not be a bad idea, after all.

    10. Write, write, write...

    11. And remember: your marks don't define who you are.

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