20 Things You Know If You’re Almost Vegan But You Just Love Cheese

    Oops, I just ate cheese. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    1. You've "decided" at least seven times that you'll go full vegan for, like, a month.

    2. But it never lasts.

    3. People always make fun of you for not being a real vegan.

    4. You try really hard though, and congratulate yourself every time you make a Vegan Choice™.

    5. You really have so much admiration for full-time vegans.

    6. You can't wait to get to the place where your body just magically feels more fresh and energised.

    7. You spend hours online looking up delicious vegan recipes.

    8. But then at the last minute, you’ll just go ahead and add some parmesan to your ~vegan~ pasta.

    9. You were SHOCKED when you found out that marshmallows weren't vegan.

    10. You tell yourself you'll buy vegan ice cream next time, but when you get to the store you realise it's three times the price.

    11. Then you see that the Mersey Valley cheese is on sale, and you can't stop thinking about how it crumbles and melts in your mouth.

    12. Sometimes when you go out for breakfast, you’ll order poached eggs on toast by accident.

    13. In fact, eating out in general is just so difficult when you're trying to be vegan.

    14. Especially when you have your meat-eating friends chowing down on a cheeseburger right next to you.

    15. After pay day, you stock up on veggies… but a week later when you’re feeling poor, you just end up buying meat.

    16. ...Even though you have vegan meat stocked up in your freezer.

    17. Finding out how many restaurant dishes are cooked in butter is always confronting.

    18. When you've had a good three-day vegan run, you brag about it to your vegan friends.

    19. Though eventually you just give up, because...cheese.

    20. But the more Vegan Choices™ you make, the better, right?