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    18 Jimmy Fallon GIFs That Perfectly Sum Up Going Back To School

    College fund go bye, bye!

    1. When you have to wake up early after sleeping in all summer:

    2. When morning people greet you before you've had your coffee:

    3. And when you get extremely annoyed by said people:

    4. When the professor goes the whole hour on syllabus day:

    5. When you see old friends on campus after spending the entire summer apart:

    6. When you run into an acquaintance but can't remember their name:

    7. And when you see someone you just KNEW had failed out:

    8. When you're sitting in your first class of the semester:

    9. When professors ask you to introduce yourself to the class:

    10. And when the professor assigns a lot of homework on the first day of class:

    11. When you realize how much work you’ll have to do this semester:

    12. When you actually have to buy textbooks for several of your classes:

    13. And when you find the used books you need online for a tenth of the price:

    14. When you have a night class, and all you can think about is going home:

    15. When you finally get home and your roommate wants to chat:

    16. When you get started on homework but decide to procrastinate instead.

    17. When the day's finally over and it's time to rest:

    18. And, finally, when you realize that you have an ENTIRE semester still ahead of you.