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Where, What, And Why: The Content Marketing Trio

Having tracked data for the last seven years in the automotive marketing arena, I can tell you a few things that I've learned that have brought us to where the content marketing world is today. It's all about process and answering the questions that consumers are asking and it's something that, as I've said time and time again in the past, needs to be viewed holistically.

Social Media 10 years ago

World Consumption Of Social Media

There is very little doubt in anyone's mind that social media is huge and growing. No infographic is necessary to try to make that point any more clear. What does make for interesting infographic madness is the breakdown by countries and networks that this infographic from Mashable depicts.

Social Media 11 years ago

The Retailing Of Social Media: How Pinterest Is Turning Into A Sales Portal

Facebook tried it. Twitter explored it. Google+ considered it. Now Pinterest is finding that social media can be a venue for direct increase in sales, particularly for retail stores. Is this a good thing? Is "social shopping" outside of the Groupon and LivingSocial niche something that exemplifies the future of social media, or is it just a glitch in the matrix?

Social Media 11 years ago

Infographic: Social Discovery Sites On The Rise

Social media has always been a hot topic for us, but the latest emerging craze has been around since the early days and is manifesting itself as one of the fastest-growing segments of Web 2.0. "Social Discovery" sites like Tagged and Pinterest are expanding like wildfire as the need to network with new people is becoming "a thing".

Social Media 12 years ago

Is Google Plus Growing Fast Enough To Challenge Twitter, Facebook?

No other social network in history has hit 100 million users nearly as quickly as Google+ did, It has the backing, support, and namesake of one of the most powerful companies in the world, but it started half a decade later than its competitors. Does it have enough juice to compete?

Social Media 12 years ago

The #SXSW Party Guide

Most conferences and events have parties associated with them, but in the world of interactive media, nothing compares from a party perspective than the crazy things that happen every year in Austin, Texas, as SXSW takes over everything.

Social Media 12 years ago

Every 60 Seconds, Social Media Gets Busy

In case you weren’t 100% completely aware that social media is a grouping of storms that rage with massive levels of activity every moment of every day, here’s an infographic to reiterate it.

Social Media 12 years ago

Twitter Celebrities Get Overloaded With Questions

Twitter lets people connect directly with some of their favorite musicians, actors, and athletes. People in the public eye no doubt have a lot of followers on Twitter - and it turns out those followers have a lot of questions. We took a look at the top 100 people who get asked the most questions on Twitter to find out whose followers are the most curious. (Source - Via)

Social Media 12 years ago

Reddit By The Numbers

Calling Reddit “the best kept secret in social media” is no longer valid. The site is no longer a secret. Reddit is getting huge. Click to enlarge. Via Techi.

Social Media 12 years ago

@Buzzfeed: The Viral Filter We’ve Needed for a While

I’ve grown lazy. It’s Buzzfeed’s fault. They’re doing my job for me and doing it much better than I’ve ever been able to in the past. The secret is in their system. While not perfect, it’s pretty darn close.

Social Media 12 years ago

Facebook Vs Google+

Almost all of the social media hoopla lately has been about Google+ and its relationship with Facebook. Just over a month ago, it was impossible to conceive of anyone truly competing against Facebook, yet Google was able to make such a large splash that many are already calling it a question of “when” rather than “if” they can overtake Facebook and dominate our frivolous online time spend. Does it really have to be one or the other? Watch the video, then read In the Google+ vs Facebook battle, does one have to beat the other?.

Social Media 12 years ago

How Facebook Really Makes Money

How does a free service make money? With all the information users provide in their profiles, targeted advertising is an easy way to profit. (via)

Social Media 12 years ago

Zynga's Path to IPO (Infographic)

Thanks to continued funding rounds, late stage startups that are holding steady are seeing their valuations reach colossal heights. And social gaming developer Zynga is no different. Founded in 2007, the company responsible for viral sensations such as FarmVille and Mafia Wars, is already profitable and its active users are growing by the day. (via: Namesake - Click to Enlarge)

Social Media 12 years ago

Social Media Detox

Admit it. If you're looking at this story right now, you probably found it from a link on a social media site. It's natural. Social media is growing in both size as well as in the amount of time we spend on it. This infographic about Social Media Detox is probably worth a look. The first step is admitting that you have a problem. Via: Soshable

Social Media 13 years ago

The Numbers Behind Social Gaming

Whether you're one of the millions growing virtual crops or not, you've probably seen the meteoric growth of social gaming lately. It's big business even though it is often tagged as a waste of time and the cause of lost productivity. Love it or hate it, the real money is there. Our friends at GetSatisfaction out together this nice Infographic that puts it all into perspective.

Social Media 13 years ago

The Big Questions 7 Social Media Sites Must Answer in 2011

To say social media will be bigger in 2011 is like saying a 5-year-old will be bigger when she’s 6-years-old. It is still in its infancy and while many people are engulfed in some form of social media, there are still billions of people who haven’t been on Facebook or its kind before. As 2010 draws to a close, every website is faced with different questions that they need to answer next year. For some, it’s a matter of turning a good profit. For others, it’s a matter of staying alive to see 2012. Nobody has the luxury of having only one major question to answer, but we’ve selected seven big ones that each must address.

Social Media 13 years ago