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    Forbes’ Top 10 Earning Actresses of 2012: You May Be Surprised Who Makes WAY More (Like $20 Million More) Than Jennifer Aniston! - Snakkle

    When Forbes magazine recently released their list of Hollywood's Top-Paid Actresses for 2012, everyone was buzzing on who made the list and who didn’t even come close. While the following actresses in our gallery landed the coveted Top 10 spots, out of all of the big (and small) screen actresses out there, you may be surprised which newbie film star landed on the list and is ahead in earnings than a more established and well-known and beloved actress. But, these ladies all have one thing in common: before the fame, they all started somewhere, and often it was a high school drama club or early modeling gigs or taking on much smaller roles to pay the bills. Snakkle dug up pics of these top earners during their more humble beginnings.