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11 Things You Didn't Know Your Pet Does While You're Not Around

Well, perhaps you knew, but you didn't want to believe it! Keep an eye on your precious pet and all their antics with Skype.

1. Uses your clothes to imitate figures in human pop culture...

2. Attempts all possible ways to entirely inconvenience you.

3. Snuggles as if no one is watching.

4. This...

5. Pretends like your bed is their bed.

6. This too:

7. Watches sports uninterrupted.

8. Spends some serious time peering into the blackness of their thoughts.

9. Finally gets some quality shuteye in the place you'd least like them to be.

10. Destroys that which threatens to oppress them.

11. Does the things too naughty for human eyes.

Want to check in on your little rascal? You can with Skype!

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