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    34 GIFs That Perfectly Sum Up Studying Abroad

    Spoiler Alert: It doesn't involve much studying

    When you get accepted to your program

    When you discover applying for your visa is a literal hell

    When you first step off the plane in the country you'll call home for the next semester

    Then you realize how far away from home you actually are

    When you realize you actually have to attend classes

    The way your host family never stops trying to feed you

    Yet you still stash snacks in your room

    When you finally figure out how to navigate the public transportation

    But when you go anywhere in public, everyone is always staring

    When you awkwardly stare at someone because you don't know what they just said

    Or you just laugh and hope it wasn't a question

    When you realize weekends mean traveling to new places

    But then you get assigned a big project right after planning a trip

    When the hostel doesn’t have the hot water as advertised

    When you try to blend in

    When you start trying all of the local foods

    But you go to chains like McDonald's and KFC because you miss the "food back home"

    Those nights your host family leaves you home alone

    When none of your jeans fit anymore because driers don't seem to exist

    And then you get sick of all the clothes you brought

    The way you dance the first time you go out

    The way you dance by the end of the semester

    When you go home to your host family after going out

    When you have an early flight/bus/train the morning after going out

    When you get cat-called by the locals

    Anytime you hear someone with an accent

    When your friends make you go ask someone for directions

    But then you master asking for directions

    When your friends back home post pictures of them doing cool things without you

    But then you remember how awesome life is abroad

    The way you always feel tired

    Because every day is like a new adventure

    When you miss home, but then realize how awesome it actually is studying abroad

    And when you finally get home, all of your stories begin with, “When I was in…”